Friday, April 20, 2007

Every family is reallly the same.( at some points la, bt generally)
this is what i've learnt today.

every child goes through puberty stage, and they evitably start to change.
So i think every parent should learn to understand that change is neccessary during stages of puberty- nt only physically and also mentally.
(I have the psychology book to back me up! :) - which states that kids change. and will change. so parents should try to understand and not treat them like babies. this is wht ive learnt. will talk more abt ive learnt frm the psychology bk the nxt time i blog! :D )

So there's nth to be embarrassed abt.

Amanda , a mischievous but hearty girl.
yeap , with LOTSSSS OF HEART.
you can ask me my i say so if you wanna know , the nxt time you seee meee.

hate it when my mummy say i dont understnd and appreciate her and always quarrelling
quarreling with her over another thing and appreciating her is total different affairs !

"Its the same as you loving your kids and then scolding us when you're tired frm work" is what i told her.

What amanda has alot, is heart. H-E-A-R-T.
and you say amanda has no heart?

A -Mischievious bt hearty okay? okay! -A-N-D-A = AMANDA.


1 more thing :
With regards to the friday fellowship topic today, is having many opportunities spirit-led? Then i think God gave me many,many opportunities. dunno, maybe i easy to talk to or something. Bt the thing is, i sometimes dont grasp the opportunity.


11:32 PM

I love you.